Mission Teachers' Union
We represent the teachers of Mission’s K-12 sector. We acknowledge that we live, work and teach on the unceded territory of the Stó:lo Nation.


Need more information on your benefits as a union member? Need to make a claim for Worksafe BC? Click here for more details on your health care extended benefit plan.



MTU Executive Meetings

MTU Executive Meetings

  • March 12 – 12:30 pm
  • April 16 – 3:30 pm
  • May 7 – 12:30 pm
  • June 4 – 3:30 pm        

Note:  Unless a notice is sent stating otherwise, Executive and Staff Rep meetings are held at the MTU Office – #100-33344 2nd Avenue.

MTU Staff Rep Meetings

MTU Staff Rep Meetings

  • April 23 – 3:45 pm
  • May 14 – 3:45 pm

Note:  Unless a notice is sent stating otherwise, Executive and Staff Rep meetings are held at the MTU Office – #100-33344 2nd Avenue.

MTU General Meetings

MTU General Meetings

  • September 25- 3:30pm – HPMS Cafetorium 
  • February 5- 3:30pm – HPMS Cafetorium
  • May 21- 3:30pm- Annual General Meeting- HPMS Cafetorium                                                                     

A Word

From Our President

The Mission Teachers Union has a long tradition of standing up for its members and I am here to carry on that tradition. The MTU advocates for teachers in Mission and will always do whatever it takes to ensure that working and learning conditions are the best that they can be.  Your union advocates for you in bargaining, enforcement of the collective agreement, and strong representation of individual teachers. Whatever your concerns or questions are, please feel free to reach out to me as I am here to help.

Welcome back, my friends – and while we might not know exactly what this year may hold, remember this – your union has your back.

– Shannon Bowsfield

Health and Wellness Program

Your health and safety is important to us. Please see our Health and Safety page for full information on your rights and responsibilities, plus necessary forms when making a claim.

What is the Health and Wellness Program?
The BCTF Health and Wellness Program supports and empowers members recovering from illness or injury to regain an optimum state of wellness, health, and productivity by providing rehabilitation services and promoting self-care. It is funded by the membership of the BCTF.



Years Established

Get In Touch

#100-33344 2nd Avenue,

Mission, BC V2V 1K3

Phone: (604) 826-0112

Fax: (604) 826-3435

Email: mtu@missionteachersunion.com

Statement of Principles on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion That the following Statement of Principles on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion be adopted: The BCTF is a democratic union that recognizes the importance of encouraging and supporting involvement by all members, while recognizing that some members have historically been marginalized. For the Federation to be at its best, all members must see themselves reflected in its goals, structures, and practices. The BCTF will strive to identify and eliminate barriers to participation through programs, procedures, by-laws, and policies supported by specified resources and education.

The BCTF supports equity, diversity, and inclusion within the union, the workplace, and in broader society and acknowledges that: 1. discrimination and harassment must not be ignored and must be challenged and rectified. 2. not all discrimination is deliberate or visible. Inadvertent, hidden, and systemic discrimination must be identified and addressed. 3. the marginalization of certain groups must be specifically recognized. These groups include, but are not necessarily limited to women; racialized workers; Indigenous people; people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, questioning, or two-spirit; people with disabilities; and those whose participation is impeded because of economic circumstances or family status. 4. equal opportunity to participate in the Federation does not mean treating all members the same. Within a democratic framework, promoting the engagement of members of equity-seeking groups is a valid and necessary approach to reaching equal outcomes. 5. Federation programs and policies designed to eliminate barriers must not only do so, they must be widely seen to do so.