Health & Safety Links and ResourcesIMPORTANT FORMS FOR CLAIMS
If you have been injured on the job, please download these forms.
Violent Incident Report
The Violent Incident Report Form is completed anytime staff encounters an incident involving a person (other
than a co-worker) in the workplace of any attempted or actual exercise of physical force so as to cause injury to
a worker, and includes any threatening statement or behaviour which gives a worker reasonable cause to believe
that he or she is at risk of injury. Violent incidents require the completion of the following form, which is then
given to the immediate supervisor. If there is time loss or medication given, then the required WCB forms must
also be completed.
Employer’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease
As an employer, the Workers Compensation Act requires you to submit this report within three days of an injury to one of your workers, even if you disagree with the claim. By submitting your report promptly, you avoid penalties and delays in the adjudication of the claim.
Worker’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease to Employer
Section 53(3) of the Workers Compensation Act requires that, where a worker is fit, and on request of the employer, they must provide the employer with particulars of the injury or occupational disease on a report prescribed by WorkSafeBC and supplied to the worker by the employer. This is the report prescribed.
If requested by employer, please complete this report as it appears. Submit directly to employer.
This report should be completed by the injured worker if fit to do so. It can be completed by another individual for signature by the injured worker.
Extended Health Benefit Form
Your MTU Benefits Package
(revised October 7, 2020)
The purpose of this information is to let you know about the various benefit plans which are available to teachers in Mission. Generally, these plans act as a safety net, providing protection in a time when you are not well, or not working, etc. It might be wise for you to know about these benefits before you actually need to use them.
You should note that the coverage and the cost-sharing for some of these plans will vary from one District to another. Other plans, which may be provincial or federal in scope, will apply equally to all employees.
This only presents a thumbnail sketch of your benefit plans. For more detailed information, please see your benefits booklet or contact the MTU at 604-826-0112 or go to http://www.bcpseabenefits.ca
Sick Leave
Sick leave is earned at the rate of 1.5 days per month taught. A teacher may use a maximum of 120 days of sick leave per year.
To use your sick leave, go to the MPSD website http://www.mpsd.ca – go to Learn75 then to Atrieve. Follow through with their directions.
Note: a teacher who is sick, but who has used all available sick leave, should apply to the Salary Indemnity Plan.
Dental Insurance
The dental plan is a option available to teachers with an assignment of 50% or greater from September – June. The coverage is unlimited for Basic Services, and $1,000 per person per year for Major Services, which are reimbursed at 60% of costs. In addition, Dependent Orthodontic Benefit is included to a lifetime limit of $2,500 per dependent, repaid at 60% of costs.
The cost of the plan is paid 80% by the School Board. Your share will be $12.98 per month (single) or $44.92 per month (family).
You are advised to seek pre-authorization for costly work, to avoid any financial surprises. Ensure that your dentist uses the BC Dental Fee Guide, and will claim directly to the insurance company.
To see coverages go to http://www.bcpseabenefits.ca
Teacher's Pension
Several booklets and brochures are available which describe the terms and conditions of the Teachers’ Pension plan. Every year, the BCTF provides retirement seminars. It is recommended that all teachers attend a pension seminar once early in their career (1st 5 years) and it is recommended for all teaches over 45 years of age.
As there are a myriad of options to consider when calculating one’s prospective pension benefits, teachers are urged to plan their retirement well in advance.
The cost of the pension plan is paid approximately 60% by the government. Teacher’s share of the cost is a flat contribution rate of 11.17 per cent of your salary.
For More Information http://www.pensionsbc.ca
Life Insurance
Life Insurance- PBC Policy #79520
The group life insurance plan is a condition of employment for all teachers, with a contract of 50% or greater from September-June.
Coverage is provided according to a sliding scale, based on age to a maximum of $170,000:
- under 35 years: = 300% of salary
- 35 – 44 years: = 250% of salary
- 45 – 54 years: = 200% of salary
- over 55 years: = 150% of salary
(Coverage ends at age 70)
- If you have not designated a beneficiary, the benefits will be paid to your estate.
- If you are totally disabled from work, the insurance can be continued and the premiums waived, BUT you must apply for this waiver.
- The cost of life insurance is paid 80% by the School Board, 20% by you. Your share is 15 cents per $10,000.00 of insurance, which includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage.
- Supplemental Life Insurance is available at your cost through BCTF, underwritten by Industrial-Alliance Pacific Life Insurance company (1-800-266-5667)
Employment Insurance (EI)
Employment Insurance benefits are available to teachers, subject to qualification, in certain circumstances: teachers-on-call, teachers on temporary contracts, and certain pre-retirement situations.
As conditions and benefits change regularly, teachers are advised to seek advice before applying for EI. Call the MTU at 604-826-0112. We will be offering a workshop usually the last Monday in June for any teachers who wish to apply for EI during the summer.
Extended Health Benefits (EHB)
The EHB plan is an option available to teachers with an assignment of 50% or greater from September – June. It is designed to cover a variety of prescription and medical costs which exceed the coverage of the Medical Services plan. Our plan also includes provision for travel insurance while out of the country, as well as vision care benefits to a limit of $400 per 24 months.
The cost of the plan is paid 80% by the School Board. Your share will be $24.54 per month (single) or $48.58 per month (family).
The plan operates with a Blue Net Card for direct re-imbursement or on a re-imbursement basis. Claim forms are available in each school office and at www.pac.bluecross.ca
Vision coverage is now $550 not $400. All updated coverage details can be found at www.bcpseabenefits.ca
TTOC: (contact payroll@mpsd.ca for more info)
Dental (through SD75) $64.91 single
$224.62 family
EHB (direct from PBC $97.33 single
Policy 79626) $185.19 couple
$335.44 family
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
The EAP is available to teachers and their dependents who require counselling for such problems as: family matters; substance abuse; legal/financial difficulties; stress or burnout; etc.
Services are completely confidential and operate solely on a self-referral basis. For an appointment, call Human Solutions at 604-689-1717, or toll-free 1-800-663-1142, 24 hours a day.
The cost of the plan is paid 80% by the School Board. Your share of the cost is approximately $15.00 per year, usually deducted in November. (This amount is approximate and varies by usage.)
Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP)
The SIP is a condition of membership in the BCTF. It provides short term benefits to teachers who are temporarily unable to teach, and who have exhausted their eligible sick leave. Long term benefits are available to teachers who are permanently disabled from employment.
Both short term and long term benefits are calculated according to the teacher’s salary.
The cost of the plan is paid 100% by the teacher, and is calculated at approximately 1.97% of salary (1.46% long-term; .51% short-term (remember to opt out of long-term at factor 88). This amount can vary from year to year, depending on usage. The Board credits your pay 2% each month to pay for SIP benefits.
Medical Services Plan
The medical plan is available to teachers, at their option. This is the standard plan for all residents of BC, which is outlined in its own brochure.
Very briefly, the plan covers the services of a doctor; a specialist upon referral; obstetrical care; anesthetics, x-ray & laboratory services, some dental and oral surgery.
The cost of the plan is paid 80% by the School Board. Your share will be $17.50 per month single, $35.00 couple and a family of 3 or more. No more premiums for children. These premiums will end in December 2019.
Worker Rights and Responsibilities
On a worksite, everyone has varying levels of responsibility for workplace health and safety. You should know and understand your responsibilities — and those of others. If you’re a worker, you also have three key rights.
Your rights
- The right to know about hazards in the workplace.
- The right to participate in health and safety activities in the workplace.
- The right to refuse unsafe work.*
*By law, employers are prohibited from penalizing workers for raising a health and safety issue. Learn more about the actions workers can take if they feel this has occurred.
Your responsibilities
As a worker, you play an important role in making sure you — and your fellow workers — stay healthy and safe on the job. As a worker, you must:
- Be alert to hazards. Report them immediately to your supervisor or employer.
- Follow safe work procedures and act safely in the workplace at all times.
Use the protective clothing, devices, and equipment provided. Be sure to wear them properly. - Co-operate with joint occupational health and safety committees, worker health and safety representatives, WorkSafeBC prevention officers, and anybody with health and safety duties.
- Get treatment quickly should an injury happen on the job and tell the health care provider that the injury is work-related.
- Follow the treatment advice of health care providers.
- Return to work safely after an injury by modifying your duties and not immediately starting with your full, regular responsibilities.
- Never work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance, or if you’re overly tired.
BCTF Health and Wellness Program FAQ
What is the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
The BCTF Health and Wellness Program supports and empowers members recovering from illness or injury to regain an optimum state of wellness, health, and productivity by providing rehabilitation services and promoting self-care. It is funded by the membership of the BCTF.
How do members find out more about the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
Posters are sent to every school staffroom. Members may call their Local Presidents for more information, or call the BCTF directly. Information about the program is on the BCTF website at bctf.ca/wellness.
Who can access the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
Any BCTF member who contributes to the Salary Indemnity Plan is entitled to request a referral to the program if they are working in one of the districts covered by the BCTF Health and Wellness Program. Currently 57 of 60 districts are part of the program. To find out if your district is part of the program, you can ask your Local President or call the BCTF directly (604-871-2283 or toll-free 1-800-663-9163) and ask to speak with someone from the BCTF Health and Wellness Program.
Do members have to be off work or on disability benefits in order to access the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
No, members do not need to be off work or on disability benefits in order to participate in the program. A referral to the program can be made on the basis that a member is struggling with a health issue that could result in disability if it is not addressed.
How are members referred to the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
A member may call the BCTF directly (604-871-2283 or toll-free 1-800-663-9163) and ask to speak with someone from the BCTF Health and Wellness Program to self-refer. A member may also be referred by the employer or Local President if there have been absences that would suggest the member might need some rehabilitation support to maintain her or his assignment successfully. Referrals are also generated by the Salary Indemnity Plan, short-term or long-term, if medical reports indicate that recovery/return to-work could be enhanced through rehabilitation assistance.
How do I know if I’ve been referred to the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
If a referral has been received and approved by the BCTF, you will receive a telephone call from a representative of the Health and Wellness Program, who will give you general information about the program and ask you whether you would like to participate.
2 Benefits binder 2015–16 Section 6b
If I am referred to the BCTF Health and Wellness Program, am I required to participate?
No, participation in the program is completely voluntary. Even if you initially choose to participate in the program, you may opt out of the rehabilitation process at any time.
If I decide to opt out of the BCTF Health and Wellness Program and I am receiving short-term or long-term disability benefits, will it jeopardize my benefits?
No, the program is entirely voluntary. Your disability benefits will not be affected by your choice not to participate. However, you may miss out on supports that likely would have enhanced your recovery or your return to work experience.
After I indicate that I would like to participate in the Health and Wellness Program, what happens next?
You will then be referred to a community-based Rehabilitation Consultant, who will call you at home, generally within a few days, to set up an in-person meeting to tell you more about the services available to you through the BCTF Health and Wellness Program.
Can you tell me more about the Rehabilitation Consultants?
The Rehabilitation Consultants are credentialed rehabilitation professionals who are contracted by the BCTF to provide services to its members. These consultants are trained in developing rehabilitation programs suited to the needs of BCTF members and are familiar with the challenges of the teaching profession.
Where do the rehabilitation activities take place?
One-to-one meetings with the Rehabilitation Consultant take place in the member’s own home, or another location that is mutually agreed upon. If other services, such as physiotherapy, or psychological counseling are part of the rehabilitation plan, they will take place in the member’s own community or as close as possible.
Once I am participating in the program, will my Local President and employer be informed?
Yes, your employer and your Local President will be informed that you are accessing
the BCTF Health and Wellness Program, but none of your medical or personal information will be shared. Only the information that is pertinent to your return-towork, such as the work accommodations that you require, will be shared with your employer.
Is there a cost for involvement in the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
There is no cost to the member for the Rehabilitation Consultant meetings that are undertaken for the benefit of the member. All costs associated with the involvement of the Rehabilitation Consultant are covered by the program. There may be costs for additional services that the Rehabilitation Consultant recommends, but some costs may be offset by the BCTF Health and Wellness Program. For example, if a physician recommends that physiotherapy would assist in a member’s recovery, and extended health benefits through the employer have been exhausted, the BCTF Health and Benefits binder 2015–16 Section 6b 3
Wellness Program is able to cost-share the sessions while the member is involved with the Health and Wellness Program.
What services might be cost-shared by the BCTF Health and Wellness Program?
Psychological services, physical therapies, occupational therapy services, speech therapy, and naturopathic services are among the services cost-shared by the program, if medically indicated.
Who decides which services will be offered and how long I can access the program?
You and your Rehabilitation Consultant will develop an individual rehabilitation plan in conjunction with your medical practitioners. It may include various therapies and services, as well as workplace accommodations that will enhance your medical recovery, quality of life, and/or return-to-work experience. Involvement is not limited to a set time frame, but it is based on the individual rehabilitation goals that are set. For example, if the rehabilitation goal is to assist you with returning to work after knee surgery, the rehabilitation plan may involve cost-sharing of physiotherapy, a work-site assessment, a gradual work re-entry, and discussions with your employer to supply workplace modifications such as a sit/stand stool. Once your return to work plan is completed and is durable, your rehabilitation case is closed.
Health & Safety Links

- Represents and assists MTU membersin Health and Safety matters by participating in regularsite
inspections, meetings and investigations. - Reports to the members via the staff committee and staff meeting forum.
- Acts as a contact between MTU members and District Health and Safety representatives.
Other benefits
Several pieces of legislation provide benefits to employees generally, including teachers. These include the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Employment Standards Act, among others. These benefits are provided at no cost to the employees.
Coverage under these benefits plans is your right. Employment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and Employment Standards are provincial or federal legislation, and can only be amended by those governments. Salary Indemnity is operated by the BCTF, and can be amended at any BCTF AGM.
BCTF Advantage Plan
Currently available to BCTF members, on a voluntary basis – providing travel insurance and other benefits.
Email advantage@bctf.ca.
Pacific Blue Cross Benefits
To access Blue Cross Benefits you will require your benefits ID number. For more information please visit http://www.bcpseabenefits.ca